Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#23 I've actually finished !

I've just gone back to my first posts and read the insecurity in my writings about embarking on this technology journey. I'm so pleased with myself for going the distance.I've actually loved doing it!
One of the things that I have really noticed and enjoyed is the camaraderie amongst the bloggers, the sharing, happy and helpful interaction between staff has been nothing short of sensational and we have learnt heaps along the way.
I now know about Blogs, Flickr, RSS& Newsreaders, Online generators, Librarything, Tagging, Technorati, Wikis, Podcasts, YouTube, downloadable audiobooks etc etc etc. Some things I've understood more than others and some I won't probably use again but that doesn't matter I now know that I can if I choose !
Really this is just the start and if nothing else I'm not so scared to click on this or click on that and see where it takes me. So the technology dinosaur who began this blog in September has thawed out a little and is starting to lumber along thanks to helpful colleagues and the opportunity to JUST DO IT !!

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